Global Bodybuilding Organization
  1. A competitor can do both Open and Novice
  2. NOVICE: an athlete that has never entered a Global Bodybuilding Organization sanctioned event. Once a competitor wins his/her novice class, they are not allowed to enter another novice class. If a competitor does not win, they may choose to compete again in a novice class. If a competitor is caught entering a novice class after winning, they will be disqualified. Pro cards are not awarded in the novice classes.
  3. Competitors’ numbers are to be visible at all times and worn on left side.
  1. Two-piece figure suit. Suits may be enhanced with rhinestones, sparkles, sequins, etc. Thongs will not be permitted
  2. Clear high-heeled shoes are required.
  3. Jewelry may be worn within good taste and should not interfere with the presentation of the competitor’s physique.


A – under 5’ 2”
B – 5’ 2.25” up to 5’ 5”
C – 5’ 5.25” up to 5’ 7”
D – over 5’ 7”’

Women Masters

Women Masters 35- 39 / 40 – 45 / 46 – 50 / 51- 60 / 61 – 65 / 66 – 70 / 70+


16 – 19 – Must be 18 or older to obtain Professional Status

  • FRONT POSE: Face front, head up and smiling, shoulders even, chest out (do not hunch over), abdominal muscles should remain tight, arms to
    sides being sure not to touch the sides, lats flared, and feet together with toes facing judges (do not lock knees).
  • QUARTER TURN FACING RIGHT: Head and hips should be facing side stage, position feet together or with one slightly in front of the other, and with arms at sides and hands hanging freely, twist torso slightly allowing upper body to face judges.
  • REAR POSE: Feet together, arms to sides same as front pose, shoulders lifted with lats flared wide, glutes flexed. Competitors with long hair should brush to one side to ensure their back is visible to the judges.
  • QUARTER TURN FACING LEFT: Head and hips should be facing side stage, position feet together or with one slightly in front of the other, and with arms at sides and hands hanging freely, twist torso slightly allowing upper body to face judges.
  1. INDIVIDUAL ROUND: Competitors will execute a model walk to center stage. Beginning facing the front, the competitor will perform quarter turns, face judges as directed, and proceed to line up either stage right or left based on the direction of the expediter until all presentations are complete. Competitors will stand in a side-relaxed pose while lined up at stage right/left. Competitors will be judged on symmetry, muscle development and tone, and overall stage presence and posing. Judges will be looking for a small degree of muscularity with no extreme striations visible. Hair, make-up, suit, jewelry, and tan should all complement competitor’s figure overall..
  2. COMPARISON ROUND: Once all competitors have completed their individual rounds, the head judge will call random competitor numbers to line up center stage where quarter turn comparisons will be performed. Judges will compare competitors against others in the same class to help determine placement.
  3. EVENING PRESENTATION: Depending on size of the show, each competitor will be introduced and either perform three poses at center stage or perform a “box walk” across the stage with 2 poses on each of the three boxes. Once all competitors have been presented, the expediter will instruct the competitors to exit the stage. The top 5 competitors will be called back on stage for trophy presentations.