Global Bodybuilding Organization
  1. Open classes only.
  2. This is not a pro qualifying division.
  3. Competitors’ numbers are to be visible at all times and worn on left side.
  1. Men – Bodybuilding posing trunks, plain in color, standard “V” shape covering at least 2/3 of gluteus area.
  2. Women – Two-piece bodybuilding suit, plain in color required for prejudging. Bottoms must be “V” shaped and cover at least 25% of gluteus area. For Finals, suits may include printed design or added sparkle, rhinestones, sequins, etc.
  3. Clear high-heeled shoes are required for comparison round. ewelry may be worn within good taste and should not interfere with the presentation of the competitor’s physique.
  4. Props will be allowed to be used for Finals.
  • FRONT POSE: Face forward, head up and smiling, shoulders even, chest out (do not hunch over), abdominal muscles should remain tight, arms to sides being sure not to touch the sides, lats flared, and feet together with toes facing judges (do not lock knees).
  • QUARTER TURN FACING RIGHT: Head and hips should be facing side stage, position feet together or with one slightly in front of the other, and with arms at sides and hands hanging freely, twist torso slightly allowing upper body to face judges.
  • REAR POSE: Feet together, arms to sides same as front pose, shoulders lifted with lats flared wide, glutes flexed. Competitors with long hair should brush to one side to ensure their back is visible to the judges.
  • QUARTER TURN FACING LEFT: Head and hips should be facing side stage, position feet together or with one slightly in front of the other, and with arms at sides and hands hanging freely, twist torso slightly allowing upper body to face judges.
    • Front Lat Spread
    • Front Double Bicep
    • Side Chest, either side
    • Rear Lat Spread
    • Rear Double Bicep
    • Side Tricep, either side
    • Abdominal and Thigh

NOTE: Remember when doing side chest and side tricep poses to be sure judges can see the pose.
NOTE: Moon pose is prohibited at any GBO sanction event.

Competitors will be judged on posing as well as physical appearance during both the individual and comparison rounds. Both rounds will consist of quarter turns (symmetry) and mandatory poses (muscularity)

  1. INDIVIDUAL ROUND: During prejudging, each pair of competitors will be called out to center stage where they will stand feet flat, heels touching, arms to their side, and head facing front. The head judge will ask the pairs to perform quarter turns first. The quarter turns consist of facing front, quarter turn facing right, quarter turn facing backstage, and quarter facing left. The head judge will ask the pairs to complete a series of mandatory poses. Athletes will be judged on muscularity, conditioning and symmetry, a display of overall shape and muscle balance, vascularity, separation, and striation. All poses must be performed properly and in a timely manner to avoid penalties.
  2. COMPARISON ROUND: Once all pairs of competitors have completed their individual rounds, the head judge will call random pair numbers to line up center stage where quarter turn and mandatory posing comparisons will be performed. Finally, the head judge will call all competitors to return to center stage in numerical order for a last look to ensure proper judging and placement.
  3. EVENING PRESENTATION: Competitors will be called to center stage in pairs to strike a pose and proceed to stage right/left to line up. The expediter will direct each competitor where to stand until all competitors have been presented. All competitors will then leave the stage. Each pair will pose to a 90-second routine to their chosen music. Pairs must present a polished, entertaining routine where each athlete moves together as one with smooth transitions between poses. Judges are looking for – posing ability (a polished routine that shows each athletes physique and their ability to blend, flow, and work together as one unit), presentation – includes matching posing costumes and tans, and physique – as outlined in GBO criteria. Posing music must be on a CD and must be the only music on that CD (house music is available if needed). Posing music may not contain any vulgar, racial, or sexual lyrics.