Global Bodybuilding Organization
  1. A competitor can do both Open and Novice
  2. NOVICE: an athlete that has never entered a Global Bodybuilding Organization sanctioned event. Once a competitor wins his/her novice class, they are not allowed to enter another novice class. If a competitor does not win, they may choose to compete again in a novice class. If a competitor is caught entering a novice class after winning, they will be disqualified. Pro cards are not awarded in the novice classes.
  3. Competitors’ numbers are to be visible at all times and worn on left side.
  1. Required to wear board shorts that are 6” to 11” inseams.
  2. No visible logos will be permitted.
  3. Board shorts must be worn to meeting on Friday to check-in.

A – A under 5’ 6”
B – 5’ 6.25” up to 5’ 9”
C – 5’ 9.25” up to 6’
D – over 6’


A – A under 5’ 6”
B – 5’ 6.25” up to 5’ 9”
C – over 5’ 9”


Women Masters 35- 39 / 40 – 45 / 46 – 50 / 51- 60 / 61 – 65 / 66 – 70 / 70+


16 – 19 – Must be 18 or older to obtain Professional Status

  • FRONT POSE: Face front, eyes forward, hips facing judges, and arms remain at sides or with one/two hands on hips. Feet should be slightly apart.
  • INTERCOSTAL POSE: Face side, either left or right as head judge dictates. Either left or right arm bent at elbow and held high with other arm remaining at side
  • REAR POSE: Head held high, arms remain at sides or with one/two hands on hips, and feet should be slightly apart.
  1. INDIVIDUAL ROUND: Competitors will execute a model walk to center stage where they will stop in a front pose. They will then transition with a full turn to the back pose and return to the front. Then the competitor will line up either stage right or left based on the direction of the expediter until all presentations are complete. Judges will be looking for body shape, symmetry, muscle shape/definition, conditioning, overall appearance, and stage presence. Points will be deducted for too much muscle.
  2. COMPARISON ROUND: Once all competitors have completed their individual rounds, the head judge will call random competitor numbers to line up center stage where front and back comparisons will be performed. Judges will compare competitors against others in the same class to help determine placement.
  3. EVENING PRESENTATION: Depending on size of the show, each competitor will be introduced and either perform three poses at center stage or perform a “box walk” across the stage with 2 poses on each of the three boxes. Once all competitors have been presented, the expediter will instruct the competitors to exit the stage. The top 5 competitors will be called back on stage for trophy presentations.